028: Do I need brand Photography? Mallika Malhotra of Mikifoto + Co.

Brand photography. What do you think of when you hear that phrase? It's not super clear so we are talking with Mallika from @mikifotoco today all about what it is, why you need it, what it can do for your business, where you can find brand photographers, what they should be asking you and how to balance creative control if you are also a photographer. It is a power packed episode! So excited for all of the knowledge Mallika drops in the show!

Mallika's professional bio: Mallika Malhotra of Mikifoto + Co is a professional photographer and brand story strategist who works with women entrepreneurs and small business owners. She is on a mission to empower thousands of women to own their story with confidence and be the face of their business. She combines her strategic business sense, her creativity and her photography skills to help women in business stand out and emerge as leaders in their industry. She specializes in brand photography, messaging and strategy.

Based in northern NJ, Mallika also teaches live workshops on photo styling, vision boarding and social media. She is known for being a connector and creating supportive communities of passionate and purpose driven women. 

Prior to launching her photography business, Mallika worked at big advertising agencies like McCann-Erickson, Saatchi & Saatchi, and DDB, on global brands like L'Oreal, Oil of Olay and Clorox. She has a Masters in Marketing from Emerson College and a Bachelors of Business Administration from the University of Michigan. 

When she is not taking photos or building brands, she is at home with her three sons and husband, drinking coffee or red wine and dreaming about their next global adventure.

Do I need brand photography? 

Show Notes:

Brand Photography....what is it? What is the definition? 

Customized photographs that share the essence or story of your brand. Not only a headshot, they are visuals that show who you are, what you do and what it FEELS like to work with you. A deeper journey of what your business is and what you stand for. 

How do you find brand photographers? And why is it important to work with one?

  • Instagram, google etc...
  • They will ask different questions and think through the session differently
  • Pre-process is much more in depth

How do you prepare for brand photography (especially as a photographer, balancing creative control) 

  • Finding the right person is key. Focus on your brand story and let them take over the execution. 
  • Remaining focused on the bigger picture of what your brand story is communicating is imperative. 

The brand photographer should be asking an extensive amount of questions to really dig in and understand how to communicate the brand story. It is a very strategic and thoughtful process. 

Three apps or software

  • Dropbox
  • Instagram
  • PicTapGo

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Contact Mallika at mallika@mikifoto.com or 352.682.2533 for more information.