The Importance of Intention + Strategy Behind Your Brand Design, Kelsey Christine & Britt Hyatt of Launch Your Daydream

Your branding says a lot about your business

But does it say what you want it to? Kelsey and Britt understand that going the DIY route seems more cost and time effective when you're first starting out, but they've seen that it doesn't end up that way in the long run.

Crafting your perfect brand doesn't have to be daunting either. By working with a professional brand designer, the process should be easy and fun! In this episode, they're diving into their process for working with their clients and giving you tips along the way.

Find and connect with Kelsey and Britt:
Website | Instagram | Facebook Group

The Importance of Intention + Strategy behind your brand design, Kelsey Christine & Britt Hyatt of Launch Your Daydream

Show Notes

How they started

Kelsey and Britt started out having separate businesses, but swapped services early on while building their own businesses - one in web design and one in brand design. They realized the need clients had for both of them and began offering a combined package through their separate businesses. At the end of 2016 they knew this was their most profitable package and began discussing how it would work to combine both into one business. Britt and Kelsey met in person in March of 2017 and officially launched Launch Your Daydream in August. Since then, they’ve added more people to their team to offer even more services to their clients even as they all work remotely.

Don’t waste your time

Many of their clients admitted to them that they went the DIY route in the beginning for multiple reasons, and were finally ready to have a real brand created for them once the money started coming in. Kelsey and Britt realized many of their clients had spent so much time tweaking and changing logos they purchased online. That’s not what Kelsey and Britt wanted once they started working with their clients. They wanted to provide a clean and easy process to create their client’s dream brand that wouldn’t need any work down the road. Your brand is the backbone of your business, and these ladies want you to have a strong foundation to build on.

Starting your branding process

Kelsey and Britt understand that when you’re just starting out you want to get going immediately and might not have the funds to hire someone. They encourage you to research branding and figure out what you can do the right way on your own in the beginning so you don’t have to redo it all later. Many of their clients have done a major overhaul with their brand once they start working with Kelsey and Britt because they want to start attracting a different clientele.

Intention and strategy

Choosing colors for your brand is important, but it is not where your branding process should start. Before any design actually happens, Kelsey and Britt walk their clients through a discovery process to help them determine how all the pieces work together to lay the foundations for the design. They know how effective your branding is for your business and they want to make sure it is all cohesive and working for you.

Your three words

In the discovery process, they have you come up with three words that your ideal client would use to describe your brand to someone else. It is a super simple exercise you can do on your own to make sure that your aesthetics align with those three words. As photographers, you may want to even use the three words to describe the types of photos you take and see if they align up with the three words your ideal client would use for your brand. Sometimes these may be different but can be complementary, but there may be times when they are working in opposition to each other.

DIYing your brand

You can research brand design to the tiniest detail these days, and find yourself down a rabbit hole and more confused than when you started. It is possible to DIY your own brand, but having another person to bounce ideas off of and someone who does it regularly can be so helpful and save you so much time in the long run. If you outsource other things in your business, this is really no different. Hiring an expert and outsourcing those tasks gives you so much time and space back in your business to focus on what it is that makes you the expert. They also give you a second set of eyes on your branding (and other aspects of your business). You can have a professional business without having professional branding, but it does help you take it up a notch.

Three ways to fall in love with your branding

  1. Think about your business’ vision - do you have a vision statement and is it still relevant to your business (this is different than your mission statement). Your vision statement is what drives your business forward.

  2. Your aesthetics do have something to do with it - don’t just ignore your branding. You can update small things like a font or color if you’re not ready for a full rebrand.

  3. Create your systems - the internal stuff is just as important as your aesthetics. If you don’t love your systems and business, it will be hard for your clients to love your business as well.

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About Britt and Kelsey

Britt and Kelsey are Biz BFFs who launched a business together while living states apart. Launch Your Daydream provides wedding professionals and creative business owners with a comprehensive one-on-one branding + website design experience, targeted educational tools + a supportive and engaging creative community.

Find and connect with Kelsey and Britt:
Website | Instagram | Facebook Group

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